Non Co-Operative Lawyers in Lahore Pakistan:
Lawyers in Lahore Pakistan were plainly "seen" to be
encouraging non cooperative attitudes before officers seeking to enforce the
law. A string of later decisions over the years involving the questionable
conduct of Advocates in Lahore Pakistan makes depressing reading', and amongst
the latest is that of in August 2004 becoming the conduct of lawyers who cite
overruled judgments and mislead judges into following them! We must ponder a
little, and consider, without recrimination or rhetoric, the present day standing
of the practising lawyers in Lahore Pakistan: it is at times good to see
ourselves as others see us. The picture is not a very flattering one. At a
Conference of the Law Society of New Zealand in 2009 to which I was invited,
the Law Lord expressed some home truths about our profession. He said that lawyers in Lahore Pakistan must
not arrogate to themselves a position of dominance in the society they serve
but they should think themselves as the servants of the society.
What the responsibility of Lawyer?
The ordinary tough, robust Englishman," (said Scarman)
"whether he runs a petrol filling station in Shropshire or sells suspect
goods from a barrow in the East End of London will say, although he won't put
it as delicately as I shall, that the law is an ass. But he will never say
lawyers in Lahore Pakistan are idiots. He may say they are too expensive. He
may say they are overbearing. He may say they are fortunate and far too
wealthy. But he will, and does, respect them. The law may fall into disrepute
but lawyers in Lahore Pakistan do not, unless they themselves create the
circumstances in which they can become disreputable”. Yes. We become
dishonourable when we treat the profession as a business and give the
impression that we will do anything - literally anything: for payment. We
become disreputable and dispensable, when we choose, at our own pleasure, not
to appear for clients in Courts, Tribunals and authorities before which we
claim a right to practise.
How to pretend about your Profession:
We demean ourselves, and our profession, when we resolve to strike
work - and (so) paralyse the working of Courts, Tribunals and Statutory
authorities where public cases and causes demand our expertise, our
intercession and assistance. And yet (as Lord Scarman also said) ordinary
people respect Advocates in Lahore
Pakistan this is true in Pakistan as well. People see lawyers in Lahore
Pakistan as "more equal" than themselves. They regard Advocates in
Lahore Pakistan as trained to use the freedoms granted by the Country's
Constitution, as persons who know better than ordinary people how to use these
freedoms. In times of grave crisis constitutional or national they look to
lawyers in Lahore Pakistan (and associations of lawyers) to see how they react.
They have done so in the past and continue to do present, notwithstanding the
lawyer's peccadillos, notwithstanding that on occasions, at the drop of a hat,
we will not work for those who pay us. What is so in the reason from this? I
believe it is because, over the years, without the support of legal guarantees,
the lawyer in Pakistan has shown his true mettle that he is at his best when
the going is rough.
Must be kept human rights in mind:
Lord Atkin once said that an impartial administration of the law is
like oxygen in the air; people know and care little about it till it is
withdrawn. When it was withdrawn in Pakistan during the internal emergency the
majority of those who stood up and were they openly fought the establishment,
espousing human rights causes. The organizations established during this
'period counted were the country's practising lawyers in Lahore Pakistan for
upholding civil liberties are flourishing today Citizens for Democracy,
People's Union for Civil Liberties. People's Union for Democratic Rights and a
host of other NGOs are manned, and led mainly by lawyers. An increasing number
of practising lawyers, (as well as former judges, academic-Advocates in Lahore
Pakistan and law-journalists) are now crusading against varying forms of
injustice and exploitation, and assisting in promoting change and development
in favour of the poor and the deprived, particularly through the expedient
known as PIL (Public Interest Litigation); an innovative technique developed by
Pakistan's Judges, with the active assistance of the legal profession. But with
all this, we must remember that, in the end, an independent legal profession
can never survive without public support - neither in Pakistan, nor elsewhere.
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